We all know that bunkbeds are great space-savers in a shared kid’s room but they can also be used for a single child’s room as the bottom space can be transformed into a reading corner or daybed. Some even have more functions such as as the bed transforming into a desk or storage unit. We have selected the most original and beautifully designed bunkbeds on the market right now and we are pretty sure that they will thrill the parents just as much as the kids!
How beautiful is this bunkbed from Lagrama that looks like a house? It even has built-in lamps and a window!
Perludi makes two very unique bunkbeds; The Amber in the Sky that comes in four different colours with a Loden (100% wool) covering and the Flora in the Sky that ressembles the Amber but has its corners sewn together with colorful strings.
This is the amazing Tippy Bunk bed by Battistella from the Nidi Collection. It cleverly incorporates two beds, storage space and a desk in one single unit!
The Gino bunkbed from Battistella is more than just a bunk bed, it can also hide an extra bed underneath for guests!
The Frankie bunkbed from Domayne has such a pleasing and round design and comes three different colours; charcoal, mint, lilac, white, orange and green.
We had to include the gorgeous My Place Bunkbed from Domayne even if it’s not available on their website anymore..but you can surely find it second-hand on Ebay or other as it was so popular and came in a wide range of trendy colours, including retro-inspired pastel mints, baby blues and lilacs, as well as vibrant greens and oranges.
The totally original Io Bunk Pod from Io Kids Design can be used for children from an early toddler age through to their teen years. It has a minimum number of components and can be easily assembled and transformed to perform a selection of functions with minimum effort including two stand alone units, day bed and work station with storage. It comes in three versions; white, yellow and natural plywood.
The Softly Highbed from Dot and Cross is not only gorgeous but very practical too for a single kid’s room as you can place a desk underneath it and remove the desk and place a mattress when friends come over to sleep.
A skilled carpenter could also make these wooden structured bunkbeds either with a rustic country look or with a sleek contemporary design.
Weekday Carnival
A bunkbed doesn’t necessarily have to have it’s top bed parallel to the bottom bed..what about in a different angle like this one?
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What about a bunkbed with a tunnel? Does anyone make that?